Software for dealers of new and used machinery and equipment. Business made easy.
Manage, Network, $ell!
With Together Trade´s software you can…

- Manage your machines and equipment: upload images, videos, and specifications for each one.
- Automatically update the listings on your company website when you add or make edits in Together Trade.
- Organise your customer directory.
- Record enquiries from potential customers and Together Trade will indicate potential matches.
- Prepare reports: machines, customers, by country, by year, etc.
- Sync your agenda to / from your mobile devices.

- Send offers by WhatsApp or any other messaging service.
- Instantly post your machines and equipment to social media – no more copy/paste!
- Send personalised mailshots to a select group of customers in their preferred language.
- Benefit from Together Trade´s unique networking feature and “share” one or many of your machines with a dealer you regularly work with in order to increase your reach to potential customers.

- Prepare professional, easy-to-read offers anywhere, anytime with our mobile app, even offline!
- Showcase your inventory to clients on the go with your mobile or tablet.
- Keep track of pending offers with reminders and alerts.
- Present your items in a live catalogue on your professional website.
- Direct your customers to view your machines and equipment in the Together Trade Marketplace (iOS and Android app).
How do I know this is what I need?

Together Trade´s software was designed by machinery and equipment dealers FOR machinery and equipment dealers.
Do you buy/sell and oversee a stock of new or pre-owned machinery and equipment?
Do you have to keep track and follow up on multiple offers?
Do you rely on email to send offers to customers?
Do you want to be able to access your machinery and equipment and customer directory from anywhere at anytime?
Do you have to manually update the machinery and equipment listings on your website?
If you answered YES to one or more questions, Together Trade is the software you need!
Don´t wait until tomorrow to run a more efficient business today!
and Cloud-based
Access your vital information from any computer (with your unique username and password) on any operating system. We make your information easy to access and secure! Rest easy knowing that your data is maintained, managed and backed up in the cloud.
First two months free
Gestión de inventario/Máquinas
Gestión de clientes
Gestión de ofertas
Compartir máquinas con otros dealers
Aplicación móvil
Promoción en redes sociales
Catálogo web online
(Lista de contactos ilimitada)
Emparejamiento de solicitudes con máquinas
Roles de usuario
99 EUR / 119 USD
al mes (fact. trimestral)
Versión ligera para pequeños dealers
174 EUR / 199 USD
al mes (fact. trimestral)
Obtén características más potentes para hacer crecer tu negocio
249 EUR / 289 USD
al mes (fact. trimestral)
Características definitivas que harán que tu negocio crezca aún más rápido